It’s a time filled with excitement! Happiness rules the day when your adorable new puppy comes home with you to join the family. You’re getting acquainted and it’s fun to cuddle and play.
As you bond with your puppy, your goal is to enjoy a comfortable, stress-free routine for your life together. You’ll want your puppy to be happy and healthy and to begin a great relationship based on trust, love, and safety.
But how do you do that?
How to Make Sure Your Puppy Will Grow to be a Happy, Secure Dog
We think of puppies as being cute and fun 100% of the time, right? Well, even though we wish that was true, they don’t always meet our expectations because …well, they are puppies, after all.
Our puppy programs start you off on the right foot so you can continue your dog’s “grown-up” training later with a huge head start. We Offer Two Puppy Training Packages.
What Do Puppies Need?
Puppies are much like young children. They are curious about their world and everything in it. They are taking everything in at a rapid pace and sometimes can get overwhelmed with the myriad of choices! As your puppy’s person, it is up to you to guide your puppy towards the right choices in a positive and encouraging way, while they are still young.
K-Nine Solutions is here to make sure that you’re providing your puppy with everything they need as they make their way through their young life and beyond. We want them to grow into the loving companion you’re dreaming of now and not have to deal with small issues becoming large problems, later. The best part is that you can be a huge part of how it turns out. Your fulfilling relationship with your well-adjusted dog is as important to us at K-Nine as it is to you and it’s exactly what we’re here to help you achieve.
Actually, there’s a lot to learn for everyone! Puppies and their people.
Puppies Learn Both Good and Not So Good Behaviors
We’ll help you ensure that your puppy learns:
Impulse control
How to go potty outdoors
That socializing with other dogs can be fun
When it’s okay to bark and when it’s not needed
How to walk on a loose leash
The rules you choose to establish in your home and out in the world
And lots more
Otherwise, they may develop unwanted behaviors and habits like:
Not listening to you when you ask them to
Having accidents in the house
Chewing your favorite things
Barking too much
Pulling on their leash
Running out the front door putting themselves in danger
Biting too hard in play
Jumping on people
There’s no need for those problem behaviors to highjack your relationship. Instead, you can have a puppy you are bonded with that trusts you. Your puppy will grow up happily listening to you, wanting to make smart choices because it works for them as well as for you. And then everyone is happy!
It’s Training, Not Magic
Those problematic behaviors in the list above and all the other things you’re hoping your puppy will grow out of are examples of things we can help you with. We want to accomplish this before those unwanted behaviors are repeated over and over until they’re habits you can’t wish away.
How The K-Nine Solutions Experience Will be Different for You and Your Puppy
Maybe Training Didn’t Go So Well the First Time You Tried There are a whole host of reasons it may not have worked out well.
You might have tried training your puppy on your own and been disappointed with your result.
Or it might have been in a distracting group class where neither of you could focus.
You may have been left with a bunch of unanswered questions and conflicting information.
Maybe the classes were too generalized and didn’t help your unique puppy.·
Or the times offered for puppy classes didn’t fit into your schedule.
Or you went to them but your puppy didn’t fit in or didn’t socialize well and you ended up leaving embarrassed and frustrated.
How The K-Nine Solutions Experience Will be Different for You and Your Puppy
Maybe Training Didn’t Go So Well the First Time You Tried
There are a whole host of reasons it may not have worked out well.
You might have tried training your puppy on your own and been disappointed with your result.
Or it might have been in a distracting group class where neither of you could focus.
You may have been left with a bunch of unanswered questions and conflicting information.
Maybe the classes were too generalized and didn’t help your unique puppy.·
Or the times offered for puppy classes didn’t fit into your schedule.
Or you went to them but your puppy didn’t fit in or didn’t socialize well and you ended up leaving embarrassed and frustrated.
Get A Head Start
Our puppy programs start you off on the right foot so you can continue your dog’s “grown-up” training later with a huge head start.
We Offer Two Puppy Training Packages
AKC STAR Puppy Class (8 weeks to 8 months)
6 Private lessons
4 – ½ day PAL sessions
Puppy Accessory Package (2 clickers, indoor leash, treat pouch and training manual)
10% Discount on our basic obedience class upon graduation (Group, or privates)
AKC STAR Puppy Certificate and Medal
Go beyond your typical “Big Chain” puppy class with our AKC Star Puppy curriculum.
Our certified puppy training classes teach you how to best communicate with your puppy in a positive fun way. We offer organized social time via our exclusive PAL program to provide an opportunity for your dog to socialize with other dogs outside of the group class environment.
Our classes are aimed at earning the AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Certification (Those with AKC registration will earn a Title).
You’ll Learn How to Help Your Puppy Develop Good Habits
During the class, we’ll provide information on all of your puppy-raising questions including:
How to easily and quickly house/crate train your dog (no more accidents)·
Teach your puppy to Sit, Lay Down, Go to Your Bed, Come, Walk on a Loose Leash
Stop any annoying behaviors such as incessant barking, painful play-biting, and jumping on people.
Stop chewing your favorite things.
We’ll also show you the most effective way to teach and practice fundamental skills such as
How to walk on a loose leash
Increasing attention, focus, and duration (Impulse control for dogs)
AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy training is a natural lead into our Basic Obedience and the AKC® Canine Good Citizen® Program.
Cost for the AKC STAR Puppy Class program: $1200.00
PAL – Play and Learn – Socialization and Training for puppies! (8 weeks to 6 months)
K-Nine Solutions is breaking ground again with its new PAL program (Play and Learn), for puppies 8 weeks – 6 months. (Some exceptions for dogs older than 6 months may apply. Please inquire if this is the case)
Positive Reinforcement and Proper Socialization
We offer weekday drop-off puppy training and socialization that goes beyond the typical on-leash style group training class. PAL is a science-based training approach founded on the principles of positive reinforcement and proper socialization.
Socialize, Train and Condition Your Puppy
In this innovative approach, we actively socialize, train, and condition puppies during this very short, but critical phase so they will learn to become well-adjusted as adult dogs.
PAL School Time with Trainer Supervision
Your puppy will spend PAL school time supervised by our trainers who will work on basic manners/obedience, proper social skills with both humans and other dogs, as well as working on housebreaking and crate training.
Personalized Attention for Your Puppy
With a maximum of 15 dogs per session, we ensure your dog will get the personalized attention it deserves.
Supervised Group Play
At PAL, your puppy will engage in supervised group play as well as work with our trainers on:
Basic commands like sit, down, place, and recall
Confidence building and socialization skills
Handling and conditioning with distraction
Potty training
Crate training
45-page Puppy Handbook
Included with these sessions, you will receive a PDF copy of our exclusive, 45-page Puppy Handbook. This is the same handbook we give to all clients who purchase our private lesson package.
Exclusive Access to our Trainers for Questions and Tips
You will also have exclusive access to our Trainers for questions and tips while your dog is enrolled.
Verbal Pick-up Debriefing, Report Card, and Training Video
Your pup’s day isn’t complete at PAL until our Trainers have provided a verbal debriefing upon pick-up, answered any questions regarding your pup’s experience, and delivered your pup’s report card and training video.
PAL is available Monday through Friday from 8:30 am until 1 pm. Call now to reserve your spot!
We are now offering full days of PAL!!!
Cost for the PAL Program: $125/Full Day or buy 10 get the 11th one FREE!